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on Orders Over $99This Adventure Medical Kit provides families with essential supplies for a 1-4 day trip. Family first aid kit includes an updated new edition of Caring for Children in the Outdoors, a comprehensive guide to first-aid for children, covering topics such as how to treat sprains, fractures, and dislocations, plus handy guides on how to administer medications and how to dress more serious wounds. A wide range of first aid supplies provides piece of mind for the whole family. The Adventure Medical Kit also includes a handy kit-within-a-kit that can be pulled out and stashed in a pocket, stroller, or diaper bag. Size: 6" x 8.5" x 3". Weight: 17 oz. Contains:
Booklet: Caring For Children In the Outdoors
Antiseptic Wound Wipe 12 ea.
Bandage, Butterfly Closure 4 ea.
Bandage, Adhesive Fabric 1" x 3" 16 ea.
Bandage, Adhesive Plastic 3/8" x 1 1/2" 12 ea.
Bandage, Adhesive Fabric Knuckle 4 ea.
Bandage Adhesive Fabric 2" x 4.5" 1 ea.
Dressing, Gauze Sterile 4 ea.
Dressing, Non Adherent, Sterile 2" x 3" 2 ea.
Tape, 1/2" x 10 Yards 1 ea.
Cotton Tip Applicator 4 ea.
Gloves, Nitrile (Pair)
One Hand Wipe
Moleskin, Pre Cut & Shaped 14 ea.
Bandage, Elastic 2" 1 ea.
Instant Cold Pack 1 ea.
Thermometer, Disposable (96°F to 104.8°F) 2 ea.
Scissors with Blunt Tip
Splinter Picker/ Tick Remover Forceps 1 ea.
Safety Pins 2 ea.
Triple Antibiotic Ointment 4 ea.
Ibuprofen (200 mg) 6 ea.
Acetaminophen (500mg) 6 ea.
Antihistamine (Diphenhydramine 25mg) 3 ea.
Insect Repellant and Bite Treatment
Natrapel 8 hour Tick & Insect Repellent Wipe 2 ea.
After Bite Kids Tube 1 ea.